Nature and people

Natur Mensch nachhaltig LAPP

Long-term conservation of nature and people

Our focus is always on sustainable practices and responsibility towards our employees and people worldwide. We support our employees in balancing work and family at all stages of their lives. We were honoured for our human resources work orientated towards the life phases of our employees. The German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth has also named us the most family-friendly company in Germany. Social and cultural commitment is also very close to our hearts outside the company.

We believe that family companies such as LAPP are not only the backbone of the German economy, they also particularly strengthen social cohesion. Our social activities range from providing vocational training to refugees and supporting childcare centres in the community to supporting talented young scientists. For us, it is important to act sustainably. Our commitment to social issues is an inseparable part of our corporate culture, regardless of market conditions, structural changes and strategic repositionings.

As a decentralised and global company, we deal with a wide range of regional requirements and cultural perspectives every day. Diversity is part of our culture and is fully embodied. In addition to global topics, local projects are being pursued to support employees and families in a targeted manner. These vary from country to country and therefore provide a high value locally.

“We firmly believe that it is our duty as a company to take responsibility and we are happy to do so. We are glad to help wherever we can".

Andreas Lapp, son of the company founders Ursula Ida and Oskar Lapp.

What we are committed to in society:

  • Helping employees around the world to achieve their work-related and personal goals: here, the focus is placed on supporting families and looking after dependants in need of care.
  • Globally sustainable site development locally – whether in Germany, India or Panama – site developments and support projects for the local infrastructure are implemented in each country, always based on regional needs.   
  • Joint sporting activities and the promotion of social sporting events: this strengthens social coexistence worldwide and brings people together alongside their daily work.
  • Close collaboration with universities and scientific institutions: the technical and social challenges of our time can be solved by encouraging, supporting and motivating young researchers.

Example: umbrella association Kind e.V.

To ensure that men and women do not have to choose between careers and family or have to worry about their children being looked after during their working hours, LAPP is supporting the construction of high-quality educational facilities for children in the Stuttgart region. The focus here is the umbrella association Kind e.V., which helps to build childcare centres close to businesses.

Example: Oskar Lapp Foundation

The Lapp Group supports the Oskar Lapp Foundation, which, in cooperation with the German Society for Cardiology (DGK), awards young scientists for outstanding work in cardiovascular research and specifically supports young talents.